Saturday, January 17, 2009

More sketches!

It's post time again!

Why not start with (yet another) hurt/dieing Doran sketch? Because, you know... I just can't seem to be able to draw enough of them. I must admit, I'm really happy with how Doran came out, but Rigby is a little too cartoony for me. That's the mail reason why I haven't done anything with this sketch.

A rather interesting looking gargoyle. I decided to try to make an ethnic character and she eventually morphed into a gargoyle because I thought that she had an interesting look about her. I'm most happy with her swirling horns.

How about a better picture of Rigby? Why sure! Just playing with her design a little bit and I think that it's pretty good. She has a new haircut, which is her newest change. The bangs closest to us are a bit too stiff, but other than that her hair came out fine. The rest (post especially) is pretty eh. I like her expression though!

I've never been very good at drawing cenetaurs and this is a good example of that. I think she was a character that I played on some online MMO or something, but I can't remember. It's been quite a while. Not only does this show my lack of cenetaur skills, but the horse alone is pretty whimpy. I'm going to guess that she's young, maybe 14 years old.

87 sitting at a bus-stop. I'm trying to remember why I stopped working on this so abruptly, but I really can't recall. I don't remember where it came up with the idea here either, or why there's a random cat.

This one is actually pretty new. I was working with faces and this is one of the ones that I came up with. She's (somewhat) based off of Helena from Mirrormask (sorry, really bad shot of her). Kickass movie, btw.

And now... a mermaid? I have no words to explain where this came about, but I'm glad that it did. I really like how this came out, despite the face that it looks a lot like something that Dolphy would draw. I think she's pretty. I do, however, think that I've posted this someplace else. I'm just having a hard time remembering where.

And I'm going to close out with a witch and a kitty. This is actually part of a project that I'm still hoping to do, once I can find a copy of the book that this is originally from. It's from The Blue-Nosed Witch by Margaret Embry, a story that I remember reading when I was a little little girl. I'm hoping to do a few illustrations from the story to put into my portfolio. I've decided to go with a much simpler design for the pictures though, so it won't look quite like this.