Saturday, January 17, 2009

More sketches!

It's post time again!

Why not start with (yet another) hurt/dieing Doran sketch? Because, you know... I just can't seem to be able to draw enough of them. I must admit, I'm really happy with how Doran came out, but Rigby is a little too cartoony for me. That's the mail reason why I haven't done anything with this sketch.

A rather interesting looking gargoyle. I decided to try to make an ethnic character and she eventually morphed into a gargoyle because I thought that she had an interesting look about her. I'm most happy with her swirling horns.

How about a better picture of Rigby? Why sure! Just playing with her design a little bit and I think that it's pretty good. She has a new haircut, which is her newest change. The bangs closest to us are a bit too stiff, but other than that her hair came out fine. The rest (post especially) is pretty eh. I like her expression though!

I've never been very good at drawing cenetaurs and this is a good example of that. I think she was a character that I played on some online MMO or something, but I can't remember. It's been quite a while. Not only does this show my lack of cenetaur skills, but the horse alone is pretty whimpy. I'm going to guess that she's young, maybe 14 years old.

87 sitting at a bus-stop. I'm trying to remember why I stopped working on this so abruptly, but I really can't recall. I don't remember where it came up with the idea here either, or why there's a random cat.

This one is actually pretty new. I was working with faces and this is one of the ones that I came up with. She's (somewhat) based off of Helena from Mirrormask (sorry, really bad shot of her). Kickass movie, btw.

And now... a mermaid? I have no words to explain where this came about, but I'm glad that it did. I really like how this came out, despite the face that it looks a lot like something that Dolphy would draw. I think she's pretty. I do, however, think that I've posted this someplace else. I'm just having a hard time remembering where.

And I'm going to close out with a witch and a kitty. This is actually part of a project that I'm still hoping to do, once I can find a copy of the book that this is originally from. It's from The Blue-Nosed Witch by Margaret Embry, a story that I remember reading when I was a little little girl. I'm hoping to do a few illustrations from the story to put into my portfolio. I've decided to go with a much simpler design for the pictures though, so it won't look quite like this.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back... with sketches!

Wow... I really let this thing go. Oh well, don't fret over spilled milk. I've come back with sketches. Woo!

I've decided to turn this blog into a sketch and WIP only journal. I was looking through my art folder of my computer and noticed that I have a whole butt-load of stuff that I'll probably never color, therefore will never see the light of the internet. Well, not anymore! I will share a selection of those sketches with you now.

I know, I know... this isn't exactly a sketch. It is a WIP shot of a background that I was going to do for the Halloween season. Curse you, college, and all your homework ways! Obviously, I didn't get very far with this one. Ah well... se la vie!!

Another anthro sketch. This was for a poster idea that I was going to do for my Lone Wolf story. There's Doran (with the obligatory scarf) and Rigby in some sort of suit-type... outfit. I still love this sketch but noth the characters have done through design redux, so the picture became somewhat obsolite.

Another old anthro shot. This was back when I was doing character development/storyline stuff. I'm still a fan of this picture only because I love how Rigby came out. Keller (as usual) is rather blank and Doran is just... off. Plus an attempt at scenery! That's a rarety for me.

How about something non-anthro!?! Okay! Here's an elf priestess that has been on hiatus since June. I sketched her out (left) and then decided to ink and color her in colored pencils (right). After a while I decided to drop her because all color combinations that I put together for her dress/outfit clashed with her hair and skin.

Here's another anthro piece which also happens to be another unfinished colored pencil piece. This one is another oldie (Sept 07) and I didn't finish it because it was never really good. I mostly wanted to work with shading her fur colors and I didn't even get that far. I failed with this, I think.

Sketch ideas for a comic that I was going to do with my fursona. I wanted to give her an easier design for the comic, something that I could easily duplicate in each panel. I came up with this chibi-type style that I somewhat liked. The comic didn't take off because I couldn't get a solid cast of characters/storyline in mind. Oh, and my favorite one is in the bottom left side of the paper, with 87's back to the viewer on her tip-toes. I thought that was a cute one.

From my Alice in Wonderland phase that I had earlier this year. I was (once again) dabbling in anime and came up with this. I rather like the cat and Alice's pig-tails.

A more recent attempt at drawing people. She originated as Barbara Gordan but ended up looking like Katie Holmes. So I promtly gave up. I'm not a Katie Holmes fan.

Lastly, this was done for my Life Drawing II class. I was actually pretty happy with how this came out (it actually looked like the model), although I wish that her hair looked better. I think she'd benefit from a long flowing mane of hair.

Well, that's it for this post. I'm going to try to make more of an effort to update this with sketches and abandoned WIPs that happen to fall into my art folder.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Anthro sketchdump 1

Wow... I feel bad that I've abandoned this thing for over a month. All of that time went by quickly, didn't it? I guess that school sort of overshadowed this thing a bit. Anyway, I've returned with a few random doodles. Most of them are old and pretty crappy, because I never thought that I'd be posting them.Okay, this is another Doran pic. I did this while in one of my classes... it was wither Astronomy or Theater. But, in any case, I was trying to get proportions correct. Mostly just the torso. The head it too big and his waist is too thin, but I like it anyway. It's my Doran, yay! XD

This next one is a doodle that I did on my whiteboard in my room. I started off with the eye and added on from there. He came out looking quite different than my usual stuff, so I took a picture of it.This is a sketch and shading reference for a picture that I'm doing for a close friend of mine. I've been trying to draw his character, but the muscles seem to be giving me some difficulty. This was done pretty early on, so his design had changed quite a bit, but this is the general idea. His head is much too large, but I was mostly working with the muscles and shading.

Well, I'm sort of being pushed for time so I'll have to try to get more stuff scanned and uploaded in the next few weeks. I have finals all next week, so I should be working on the stuff for those.


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Old Anthro Sketches

Alrighty, it's Saturday night and I come with sketches! Well, not a lot of them, but still...

Okay, here is the first pair. It's actually a comparison thing. The one on the left was drawn way back in December. I was watching some Michael Jackson music videos with my little sister and I just started doodling. So I drew Doran all decked out in 80's style clothes. And the one on the right was drawn much more recently, back in February I believe. Just a comparison of how much a style can change in a few months.

This one was drawn back during the summer. We were in Vegas and it was late and I was bored as hell. So I drew Rigby and Keller dancing. I was always happy with Rigby's pose but I hated how Keller turned out. His head and neck is all stretched out and it never looked quite right. Which is probably why I never posted it or did anything with it.

Here is another Doran sketch. I was always planning on developing this, but it's been sitting in my 'sketches' folder for a few months. I doubt that I'll ever actually do anything with it, do I figured that I'd post it.
This'll have to be the last one for tonight. I'm going to try to limit myself to 4-5 pictures per post. Anyway, this one was done for my character on Luna Perpetua. This was when I first started getting into this style of drawing anthros. It's also pretty good considering that I have/had no sense of anatomy.

Alrighty, that's about it for this week. I'll try to scan some of my newer stuff to get up here next week. I'm sure that you'd like to stop seeing my old sketches and start seeing some of my newer (and possibly better) stuff.


Monday, March 26, 2007

October Themed Photos

Not many people know this, but I also take photographs. I take my camera with me everywhere (well, almost everywhere) just in case I'll see something that I want to capture and use later for reference. If I don't have my camera with me, then I'll attempt to sketch it out or jot it down. Here are a few photos that I've taken that I haven't really posted anywhere else.

This was taken at my college during October. I believe that it was the 8th. Anyway, we have a big horticulture unit at Pierce and every year they grow thousands of pumpkins to sell in order to raise money for our school. They make a big deal about it, actually. Rumor has it that they were selling square pumpkins as well, but I never saw one.

This is the corn maze that they grew at Pierce as well. I didn't get to go in because it was super expensive, but it seemed like it was pretty cool. I also believe that they had hay rides on a tractor as well, but I can't remember exactly where that was. I think that it was around the field, but I don't remember.

This wasn't taken at my school. My Mom and sisters were bored one day during September, so we decided to jump on the freeway and drive around a bit. We ended up in Oxnard, where we found miles and miles of pumpkin fields. I just had to jump out and take a few shots of it!

Another shot from the pumpkin field. I liked this pumpkin, for some odd reason. I could imagine it with it's little arms flailing because it has fallen onto it's back.

Well, that'll have to be about it for this post. I have quite a few other photos to share but all the rest of them are in themes. So, yeah... this'll have to be it with the October themed photos. But I will leave with a sketch!

This was done between my twin sister, Samantha, and I. I never posted it because I never saw much of a reason to. It's not very good and nothing is completely finished. What we did was one of us would start a picture and the other would add to it. We do that sort of thing a lot. This was done while we were at Disneyland waiting for a show to begin.

I plan to post more photos or sketches this weekend.


Welcome to my blog!

Hello all. God, I never thought that I'd have an art blog. Go figure, huh?

Anyway, this is where I'll post my doodles that I do during my school day. The stuff that I post here will probably not be posted anywhere else, so doesn't that make this thing special?

Once I get my scanner up and running, I'll try to post weekly. I'll shoot for weekends (Sat. or Sun.), but we'll just have to see how well that works out.

So, yeah, I'm looking forward to using this thing in the future.
