Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back... with sketches!

Wow... I really let this thing go. Oh well, don't fret over spilled milk. I've come back with sketches. Woo!

I've decided to turn this blog into a sketch and WIP only journal. I was looking through my art folder of my computer and noticed that I have a whole butt-load of stuff that I'll probably never color, therefore will never see the light of the internet. Well, not anymore! I will share a selection of those sketches with you now.

I know, I know... this isn't exactly a sketch. It is a WIP shot of a background that I was going to do for the Halloween season. Curse you, college, and all your homework ways! Obviously, I didn't get very far with this one. Ah well... se la vie!!

Another anthro sketch. This was for a poster idea that I was going to do for my Lone Wolf story. There's Doran (with the obligatory scarf) and Rigby in some sort of suit-type... outfit. I still love this sketch but noth the characters have done through design redux, so the picture became somewhat obsolite.

Another old anthro shot. This was back when I was doing character development/storyline stuff. I'm still a fan of this picture only because I love how Rigby came out. Keller (as usual) is rather blank and Doran is just... off. Plus an attempt at scenery! That's a rarety for me.

How about something non-anthro!?! Okay! Here's an elf priestess that has been on hiatus since June. I sketched her out (left) and then decided to ink and color her in colored pencils (right). After a while I decided to drop her because all color combinations that I put together for her dress/outfit clashed with her hair and skin.

Here's another anthro piece which also happens to be another unfinished colored pencil piece. This one is another oldie (Sept 07) and I didn't finish it because it was never really good. I mostly wanted to work with shading her fur colors and I didn't even get that far. I failed with this, I think.

Sketch ideas for a comic that I was going to do with my fursona. I wanted to give her an easier design for the comic, something that I could easily duplicate in each panel. I came up with this chibi-type style that I somewhat liked. The comic didn't take off because I couldn't get a solid cast of characters/storyline in mind. Oh, and my favorite one is in the bottom left side of the paper, with 87's back to the viewer on her tip-toes. I thought that was a cute one.

From my Alice in Wonderland phase that I had earlier this year. I was (once again) dabbling in anime and came up with this. I rather like the cat and Alice's pig-tails.

A more recent attempt at drawing people. She originated as Barbara Gordan but ended up looking like Katie Holmes. So I promtly gave up. I'm not a Katie Holmes fan.

Lastly, this was done for my Life Drawing II class. I was actually pretty happy with how this came out (it actually looked like the model), although I wish that her hair looked better. I think she'd benefit from a long flowing mane of hair.

Well, that's it for this post. I'm going to try to make more of an effort to update this with sketches and abandoned WIPs that happen to fall into my art folder.


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