Monday, March 26, 2007

October Themed Photos

Not many people know this, but I also take photographs. I take my camera with me everywhere (well, almost everywhere) just in case I'll see something that I want to capture and use later for reference. If I don't have my camera with me, then I'll attempt to sketch it out or jot it down. Here are a few photos that I've taken that I haven't really posted anywhere else.

This was taken at my college during October. I believe that it was the 8th. Anyway, we have a big horticulture unit at Pierce and every year they grow thousands of pumpkins to sell in order to raise money for our school. They make a big deal about it, actually. Rumor has it that they were selling square pumpkins as well, but I never saw one.

This is the corn maze that they grew at Pierce as well. I didn't get to go in because it was super expensive, but it seemed like it was pretty cool. I also believe that they had hay rides on a tractor as well, but I can't remember exactly where that was. I think that it was around the field, but I don't remember.

This wasn't taken at my school. My Mom and sisters were bored one day during September, so we decided to jump on the freeway and drive around a bit. We ended up in Oxnard, where we found miles and miles of pumpkin fields. I just had to jump out and take a few shots of it!

Another shot from the pumpkin field. I liked this pumpkin, for some odd reason. I could imagine it with it's little arms flailing because it has fallen onto it's back.

Well, that'll have to be about it for this post. I have quite a few other photos to share but all the rest of them are in themes. So, yeah... this'll have to be it with the October themed photos. But I will leave with a sketch!

This was done between my twin sister, Samantha, and I. I never posted it because I never saw much of a reason to. It's not very good and nothing is completely finished. What we did was one of us would start a picture and the other would add to it. We do that sort of thing a lot. This was done while we were at Disneyland waiting for a show to begin.

I plan to post more photos or sketches this weekend.


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